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Not Forsaking the Assembly of Ourselves Together


By Mark Mosher

God, in His love and infinite wisdom, worked a plan to give us a place where we could be close and commune with Him. The place for communion with God is the church, the body of Christ (Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 1:22-23). Outside of Christ, one cannot be close to God. Outside of Christ, one cannot worship God (Ephesians 1:3). Yet in Christ, we have the ability to stand in the presence of an august, Spiritual Being,

both deserving and desirous of our deepest respect (Psalm 89:7). When we worship God, it is not for self but for God. We are not to be entertained. It is not the place for hand clapping. We do not have solos and choirs for us to watch and enjoy. Worship is a time to pay homage and adoration to the One Who transcends us all. When we stand before His throne, we give our very best.

Yet, for our worship to be acceptable, it must stem from a consecrated life. There is an acknowledgment that all our blessings come from God. Therefore, Our worship shows we give consideration to our God (Isaiah 1:3).


Worship is also designed to keep us together. In Leviticus 17, discussion is made concerning the

tabernacle and the one door. When sacrifice was

made, the congregation (as a whole) was to come together to one place and offer that sacrifice. God knew that to keep the unity of the people, the faithfulness of the people, there must be a coming together. The feast and sacrifices were designed to unite the people as they came together. As the congregation offered the sacrifice, there was a public acknowledgment of sin. The one priesthood, one place, one law, one sacrifice, one assembly became the means of faithfulness and unity. For this reason did Jeroboam set up golden calves at Dan and Bethel. He knew that if he divided the worship he would divide the people.

It is therefore imperative that we come together to worship God. For if we worship God out on the lake to be close to nature, we worship then the creation more than the Creator (Romans 1:25). If we stay home and opt to worship God at home with self and family, we neglect to come together with God's people and promote unity and faithfulness. Therefore, has God commanded that we "not forsake the assembling of ourselves together" (Hebrews 10:25). How long would our love grow for each other if we never came together? How could we edify each other and work together in praise to God if we did not unite together in worship? There is a practice today called "house worship". Sunday evening is designated for this. The congregation divides up into groups and meets in each other's homes and worships separately. Yet, if they continue to do this, then their love for each other will wax cold. The fellowship, love, and concern for each other will not be there. All because they did not follow God's wisdom and come together.

Sometimes we can practice divided worship without ever knowing it. When I preached at one particular congregation often I would notice ladies in the nursery talking. Those who had come in late had also joined them. They were not a part of the worship. I have seen people roam the halls or talk in the foyer all the while worship is going on. This causes a divided worship. When it is time to worship all need to be there and present for it! May we all see the wisdom of coming together every time the doors are open.


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